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Pinpoint Distractions

Pinpoint distractions.

In todays world of instant gratification it is very easy to get distracted from your main story/goals. There is a big mission in all of us but with social media and so much things in our faces constantly we can ignore our mission for long periods while our distractions take over our lives. How can we change that?

Be Reminded Of Your Mission/Goals

Every morning and every night take the time to reflect on where you are taking your story/life. Remind yourself with flash cards(sounds funny but im serious) write down your mission and read your goals every night and morning. Reflect and assess if the things you are doing is getting you closer or further away from the destined life you want.

I like to hang up pics of books I’ve read to remind myself of the life I’m creating.

Actual picture of one of the books I’ve read to remind myself I’ve read deep work. A book on how you can block times to get heavily into your craft and ignore distractions. A book I highly recommend by the way.

What are The Little things distracting you in your day?

Are there little things that you do that add up to big things? Doom scrolling? Maybe too much Netflix? I personally stopped watching tv because I binge watch things and it gets bad lol. Take the time for you. Enjoy things but limit yourself if you think it may be too much taking away from future goals.

What are things that may be stopping you? Journal your thoughts. You can take the time to write on this post and let’s start a convo to help each other out.

I really hope this helped you a little bit to get you in the direction you wish to take. I use no ai to write my blogs I write from experience. Much love and always smile bright


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